The special guest was Julia B. Greer, MD, MPH. She is the author of "The Anti-Cancer Cookbook". Julia is an epidemiologist whose work focuses on pancreatic, ovarian, and breast cancers. She explained what cancer is and how antioxidants work to prevent pre-cancerous mutations in your body's cells, and then described in detail which foods have been scientifically shown to help prevent which types of cancer.
Recipes for the following items were given:
Garlicky White Bean Dip, Tilapia with Warm Cherry Tomatoes and Olives, Adzuki Bean Citrus Salad, Fresh Gazpacho, 3 Sisters Chili, and Cranberry Poached Pears.
It's been a few months since we've had a class.
I wish we could have a cooking class here every week!
Here are pictures from Wednesday curtiscy of Terry Clark.

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