Monday, August 3, 2009

President Obama's Beer Summit

We've been saying this for years is a legitimate drink!
Too often beer is religated to a drink exclusivly thought of as a binge drinkers choice or something to just "throw down the hatch" regardless of flavor or pairing potential.

Craft beer, especially in the United States, has really done a great job elevating the whole beverage to compete with wine as a dinner pairing option as well as a drink to savor throughout the night.

The recent "beer summit" put on by President Obama is a great example of how much beer is part of our lives in the U.S. Granted, the choices of beer that those who took part in this talk were not any afficianato's choices! Still, the fact that beer was the chosen beverage...says a lot.

Local Beer expert and blogger, Douglas Derda, talks to KDKA about the "beer summit" -

Check out their blog Should I Drink That? and his BLOG.

If you want to learn more about craft beer and beer in general, check out the Craft Beer School starting September 15 at Theater Square Cabaret. Click HERE for more information and to buy a ticket. The first is hosted by Should I Drink That and the rest are taught by Tony “The Beerman” Knipling. I've worked with Tony on a number of events and I've never met someone more passionate about beer!

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